Soft Landscaping

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12 month guarantee on all garden work
4.8 out of 5
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Soft Landscaping

in Crickhowell, Abergavenny, Brecon and throughout South East Wales

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum erat augue, suscipit in consectetur eget, mattis a nunc. Praesent ornare, nisl vitae bibendum porttitor, neque turpis sodales purus, id cursus eros lorem vitae est. Integer luctus sem vel tortor fermentum ultrices.

Duis dignissim convallis felis sit amet blandit. Duis tincidunt varius sem, a lobortis ipsum auctor nec. Cras non orci a turpis malesuada cursus. In tortor ligula, dapibus at sem eu, fringilla bibendum neque.

Nunc iaculis iaculis volutpat. Nulla facilisi. Sed laoreet risus non metus hendrerit, mattis blandit tortor lacinia. Sed eu augue aliquam, lobortis tellus quis, volutpat nisl. Aenean cursus a nisl eget varius.

Pellentesque porttitor mi in augue egestas, vel pellentesque felis feugiat. Quisque tempor luctus purus. Mauris vulputate sollicitudin ex, et porttitor tellus finibus id. Etiam elementum ipsum ut lectus fermentum vestibulum.

Contact Us

I am delighted with the work that Chris, Beth and Tom completed for me last month. Their creative input and ideas made the decision making much easier and their work was completed to a very high standard. The team were very reliable and it was a pleasure having them in my home.
Helen Griffey, Llangynidr
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Our process is simple and efficient!

Site visit and consultation

This is your chance to tell us what you want. We’ll visit you to find out what’s important to you and discuss your space.


Conceptual design

Once we have an initial concept design, we’ll get your feedback on it to make sure we’re on the same page.


Detailed garden design

We can provide a detailed master plan for the design, with hand-drawn and/or computer-aided visuals so you can better picture the results. We can even, upon request, provide a detailed construction report outlining materials and completion times for the project.


Planting plan

You can also take up the option of a planting plan, displaying our vision for the planting designs created on your behalf.


CAD Design

CAD (Computer-Aided Design) allows us to create a 3D visualisation of our designs for your garden. This means you can see how things will look and make any modifications when engaging our full design package.

Book your free home visit

We carry out a free home surey and offer our professional advice to help determine what you want and what the current issues are with your garden.

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Need more information? Get in touch with our team today.


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